
The right side never looks good at first.

015I’ve had this set of 4 chairs since right after the holidays. (the ones that come RIGHT before cupcake season, you following?) They had rattan seats and backs in their first life.  Somewhere along the way the rattan probably broke and a thrift minded person went ahead and added webbing and fabric seats.  The hubs helped me take the fabric off and they have sat at my studio since, well the real cupcake season started.  As I looked around for what to do next I spotted them.  So I put them up on my work table and got started.

I personally start with chairs upside down.  It’s so easy for me to miss huge areas if I don’t and I detest thinking I’m done and finding a huge naked wood spot.  014

Chairs used to be my least favorite furniture piece to redo. There is a significant amount of detail work involved and generally you are doing more than one.  So it seems as a painter,  you are just redoing the same exact thing time and time and time again.  Monotonous I tell ya.

Recently I have rediscovered my  love for chairs.  I love what they do for a room, how they easily change up a vibe in a room, and how movable they are.  So working on them actually makes me happy. I know they’ll change someone else’s vibe and make them happy.  017Now, see how almost completely painted these babies look?  ALMOST DONE YAY! So when I flip it over ALL I’m thinking is – just the back, that’s all that left to paint – for the fourth damn time. YAY!

019WRONG. Look at all that naked wood.  LOOK.AT.IT.  I was disappointed like this FOUR times.  I pushed through that disappointment – covered that wood and painted all the backs.

Hopefully Friday I’ll be able to rough them up and put on a clear wax.  The wood will look richer that way and the gray paint won’t get any darker.  The seats are getting covered in a yellow, turquoise, gray fabric.  They’ll be paired with a round gray table.016Can you picture them all sunshiney later?

Thanks for stopping by!

