
THAT was a nightmare.

I woke up from a true nightmare this morning!  My phone had been stolen by some teen who asked to use mine to call his mom.  OF COURSE I let him!  Well off he ran! At a Reds Game no less!!  The whole dream all I could think or say was “I didn’t download my pictures for the blog!  And the cloud is off!”  I just knew all my readers were going to be heart broken.

Well, the truth is, you are going to be heartbroken anyway because I haven’t completed a project yet.  I have 6 started, but no finishers. So I’m just gonna show you a couple in the works and let you wonder.

014HA!  Nope! Didn’t score this beauty.   Went to an auction the other day and waited for 2 hours for this long legged lady to come up and then they started on the other side of the room so she would be last.  Unfortunately, that day I was to badly  needed elsewhere to stick around for her.  Hoping to see her finished up at some of the nearby shows I will be doing this spring.  If I see her, I will be sure to snap a photo and let you guys too.

005And here’s the hairpin table I spoke of last week.  It isn’t completed.  Needs the chalk washed off.  I chalk outlined the arrowhead and “feathers”.  It also needs a couple more coats in a couple places where I painted over the chalk which was not the correct manner.  As evidenced by – the blue chalk outline underneath.  Which looks bad.  After those two steps, I’m going to rough it up a bit and call it SOLD!!

006Now, I am hoping you can forgive the really poor photography skills here, it was only supposed to be a quick shot to send to a friend, but in the upper right hand corner, behind the arrow table, beside the garbage can, is an Eastlake parlor table that I have painted the top pink with the Miss Mustard Seed milk paint. It is the same table I used twine as the clamps on. When I  am done, I will also add white porcelain casters.  It already had the holes for them but alas, no casters.  Casters are something I grab up when I find them loose at Re-Stores regularly so please do not be alarmed.  I have a stash.   I  personally also take all casters off items if I decide to donate the item.  To add to the hoard.  Because a hoard isn’t a hoard if there is only one.  Or three.  I think it takes four to get to a hoard.

And if you just got to those last 3 sentences – I.LOVE.YOU. EVEN MORE!

Okay lovely readers.  Off to the studio!


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