
Why I’m not really a white girl.

Paint, I’m talkin’ paint here folks.  I have tried and tried for years to paint something – anything white.  It NEVER works out.  That does not mean I don’t keep trying.  Like I did on this piece.012It doesn’t look horribly dark here does it?  A couple coats of white paint, some sanding and BOOM.  Awesome chair.


4 YES 4!!! Coats of paint later and it still looked awful.  Wood coming through in bad places.  Brush strokes I could not sand out.  That white paint was just against me.  Me and the chair.  So,  I did what any self respecting furniture fixer upper would do.  I got out the gray. HA AGAIN!!  Jokes on you white paint!!!  The gray actually looks better with the fabric I intend to use on the chair, but I didn’t know that at the time.  I was just sorely irritated with the white paint’s refusal to finish like I see so many other folks accomplish.  So now it looks MUCH better!  Not sure it will be as versatile as I was hoping, but oh well.  Someone will love the chair!018016Hopefully I’ll get this finished today and be able to show you pictures of how white lost the war.

On a separate note.  I occasionally do some interior work for people.  It isn’t my favorite thing to do (like I thought it would)  because don’t ya know – home owners have their own opinions.  I was actually a little surprised about that.  So it isn’t as fun as I thought it would be and doing someone’s rooms is really stressful.  But my friend asked me to help with her kids rooms and we started in her little girls room.  And I actually SUPER enjoyed it.  Of course it helped that the friend had some loose ideas and didn’t really care.  And all I really did was organize, move things around and hang some photos.  But it is so cute.  SO freaking cute.  I still have 2 more things to add, but overall, I left with such a joyful feeling!  And isn’t it adorable?

010There were A LOT  of stuffies to deal with.  So I tried spacing them out.  This is the “library nook”, I envision the little dear reading to her babies here.  And it made me really happy to think about!

009I posed all the dogs, not sure you can tell here, but I did.

So – that’s a recap on yesterday.  Coloring eggs with 13 year old boys today.  Another surprise that they all wanted to, but tradition is tradition I guess.

Again, thanks for stopping by!


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